A diverse array of Field Trips is being organised for delegates and accompanying persons. Field Trips will be held in Italy and in some Mediterranean Countries. Field Trips will run both prior to and after the XXI INQUA Congress. Please consider that we will be in full tourist season especially after the Congress so that the number of pre-Congress fieldtrips is greater than post-Congress.
There will also be various one-day mid-congress trips on Sunday 16 July, both in Rome and its surroundings.
Preliminary details of each Field Trip are reported below. Their costs will be detailed in the second circular to be issued in April 2022. The deadline for fieldtrip registration will be on February 2023. The cancellation policy due to possible Covid restriction will be the same of the Congress registration (full reimbursement if due to travelling limitation).
The proposed number of field trips (pre-congress, post-congress e one-day mid-congress excursions) exceeds the real number that will actually take place, considering the number of delegates we are expecting in Rome. However, given the enthusiastic answer we received from Italian, Mediterranean, and circum-Alpine colleagues, we decided to keep all of them in our programme, so as to maintain a rich and diversified offer.
After the deadline for early registration (February 2023), we will select a maximum number of 20 field trips, on the basis of pre-registered participants, which will cover all the fields of Quaternary Sciences.
Pre-congress Field Trips
Mid-congress Field Trips
Post-congress Field Trips
POST-1 | Active tectonics and major seismicity in Central Italy | Gori et al. |
POST-2 | When tectonics and climate take over: Quaternary depositional history of extensional Tuscan basins | Bertini et al. |
POST-4 | LGM glacial and glaciofluvial environments in a tectonically active area (southeastern Alps) | Monegato et al. |
POST-5 | The Quaternary evolution of Sulmona basin, central Italy | Giaccio et al. |
POST-6 | Drainage system adjustment in response to the opening of the Rieti intermontane basin | Fubelli et al. |
POST-7 | Quaternary archives in the Northeastern Adriatic karst environments | Furlani et al |
POST-8 | Holocene marine and lake landscapes of Dalmati- the National Parks Krka and Kornati | Slobodan et al. |
MID-1 | Late Holocene sea level changes and the Roman fish tanks. One day field trip to Punta della Vipera and Castrum Novum (Civitavecchia) | Anzidei and Enei |
MID-2 | The INGV National earthquake center | Anzidei and Stramondo |
MID-3 | The secrets of the Albano crater lake | Anzidei et al. |
MID-4 | Archaeoseismological evidence of past earthquakes in Rome | Galadini et al. |
MID-5 | The Colli Albani: a quiescent volcano on the outskirts of Rome | Palladino et al. |
MID-6 | Late Holocene evolution of the Tiber river delta plain | Mazzini et al. |
MID-7 | Rome before Rome: a river among two volcanoes. Discovering the relationship between the history of the city and the territory | Pantaloni et al. |