Full address: Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma
The main campus (Città Universitaria, i.e. University Town) is a very large, wall-encircled complex of faculty buildings, open spaces, lecture halls and facilities such as large libraries, police station, kindergarten, bars, post office, bank, etc.
Because of the Congress being held out of the teaching season, the number of lecture halls and meeting rooms is very large; they are all equipped with slide projectors and wi-fi.
To host a large international congress in University faculties is a challenge, but we are very confident because many congresses, with about 2000 delegates and a structure that closely matches the possible XXI INQUA Congress, have been successfully organized in this venue. Key people of the organisation of such congresses are involved in the organizing committee of the XXI INQUA Congress and we plan to replicate the mode of such successful events.
Registration and poster exhibit will take place in the main University building (Rettorato); lectures will be held in the faculty rooms (see map).
The distance between the different buildings is minimal and different sessions will be located in the nearby buildings according to similar themes so as to minimize transfer from session to session. Plenary lectures will take place in the “Aula Magna”, within the Rettorato, with some 1,000 seats. The real-time video conference will replicate the plenary lecture on several >200 seat lecture halls. During the whole congress, several extra seminar rooms will be available for the meetings of the International Council and other business. Exhibition booths will be located in the Rettorato building.
The amazing open spaces of Città Universitaria campus (all served by wi-fi connection) will be used to relax and for informal discussions as well as for events and evening orchestra concerts.
Outer spaces will also be used for lunches and coffee breaks, by using ad hoc structures (see pictures). In the very unlikely event of rain indoor lunches will be organized within the Rettorato.
Participants will be provided with free entrance to the University museums, a system of 20 world-renowned museums which contain a wealth of scientific knowledge.
Visit the official website of the University.