A draft version of the XXI INQUA Congress scientific programme is now available.
Please take a look at the daily programme at a glance and in the draft sessions schedule.

1. From Natural Processes to Geohazards

  1. Earthquakes, palaeo-earthquakes and seismic hazard
  2. Active volcanoes
  3. Tsunami and marine geohazard
  4. Active tectonics as multi-scalar driving processes
  5. Short to long-term environmental changes (flooding, landslides, desertification, tectonics), and societal response

2. Landforms, facies architecture and sequence stratigraphy

  1. Geomorphic processes and sedimentary record
  2. Glacial and periglacial geomorphology
  3. Wetlands and paralic environments
  4. Coastline changes under the effects of climate and geological processes
  5. Geomorphology and stratal architecture of continental margins
  6. Karst process, deposits, landforms, and landscape

3. Quaternary environments and Human evolution: fossil record, phylogeny, palaeobiology, palaeoecology and cultural models

  1. Geological and climate forcing on ancient societies and feedbacks
  2. Geoarchaeology: from landscape to site and back
  3. Preserving and disseminating the cultural heritage
  4. Palaeoantropology

 4. Ecosystems and biogeography from latest Pliocene to “Anthropocene”

  1. Response of biota to palaeoenvironmental changes
  2. Islands, continental bridges and drowned landscapes
  3. Palaeoecology as a tool for ecosystem management
  4. Human environment in the (paleo-) Anthropocene

5. Climate record, processes and models

  1. Climate proxies
  2. Palaeogeographic, paleoclimatic, paleoceanographic and paleoecological changes in marine and terrestrial systems
  3. Past global climate records in polar and mountain ice
  4. Reconstruct past abrupt and extreme climate changes
  5. Climate changes on sub-millennial to Milankovitch time scale
  6. Climate modeling and data assimilation: simulate past changes and future scenarios
  7. Global, regional and local sea-level changes and drivers

6. The Quaternary time machine

  1. Marine and terrestrial stratigraphy. Advances in correlation
  2. GSSPs and stratotypes
  3. Geochronology. Progress in dating technique
  4. Quaternary Mapping and modeling
Topic # Session Name Congress day/s
5 2 Session 2: Recent advances in understanding the causes of changes in regional and global palaeofire regimes: resources, tools and new approaches 17 July
5 3 Session 3: Orbital and millennial vegetation changes at global and regional scales during the Quaternary: insights from data and models 14 July
1A 4 Session 4: Bridging earthquakes over time scales – from the seismic cycle to Quaternary landscape evolution: contributions from the EDITH INQUA-TERPRO-Terrestrial Processes, Deposits and History Project 18 July
1B 5 Session 5: Multidisciplinary hazard and risk study on active coastal and insular volcanoes 15 July
2D 6 Session 6: Recent advances in understanding the Quaternary geomorphological evolution of continental margins 17 July
4D 9 Session 9: The Anthropocene – Its geo-archaeological indicators and early inceptions through the modern 18 July
7 10 Session 10: Visualizing Science – The art of communicating science 14 July
5 11 Session 11: Proxy-based reconstructions of atmospheric and oceanic patterns 19 July
5A 13 Session 13: Records of LGM climate and ecosystems dynamics 19 July
5B 14 Session 14: Climate and environmental changes during the Holocene and past interglacials based on biological and geochemical proxies 18-19-20 July
5 15 Session 15: Understanding regional and global monsoons changes across timescales 19 July
4A 16 Session 16: Linking paleoenvironmental proxies at different scales: potential, problems and limits 14 July
5 18 Session 18: Dansgaard-Oeschger events in climate models and the real world 19-20 July
6B 19 Session 19: Global characterization of the Neogene–Quaternary (Pliocene–Pleistocene) transition 17 July
2A 20 Session 20: Subglacial erosion, transport, and deposition: from landform and sediment evidence to modeling 19 July
5 21 Session 21: Records of climate change from MIS 3 and MIS 2 in the Southern Hemisphere: The Lynda Petherick Memorial Session 15 July
5C 22 Session 22: Mountain glaciations and their diversity: Perspectives in geomorphology, geochronology, palaeoglaciology, and palaeoclimatology 18 July
2A 24 Session 24: Fluid venting as a submarine geomorphic process 14 July
4B 25 Session 25: Islands and their relationship with the continent to investigate time and mode of their colonization by terrestrial vertebrates and Homo dispersal 19 July
4 27 Session 27: Resilience versus collapse: Human responses to climate change in the Quaternary 20 July
4A 28 Session 28: Timing and structure of freshwater ecosystem response to external forcing: evidence from high-resolution multi-proxy lake and peat bog records 19 July
6 29 Session 29: Escaping the trap: frontiers of trapped charge dating 17 July
3 30 Session 30: A multiscale geoarchaeological approach for the interpretation of palaeo-landscapes and human activities 15 July
5 31 Session 31: Processes and feedbacks during glacial terminations 15 July
5 32 Session 32: Paleo perspectives on a warmer and wetter future Arctic 20 July
2B 33 Session 33: Quaternary Glaciations: Processes, Sediments and Landforms 17 July
1A 34 Session 34: Discussion Panel on Assessing Fault Capability in Different Geodynamic and Environmental Settings 18 July
5A 35 Session 35: Dust dynamics through the Quaternary: terrestrial records of climatic and environmental impacts 17 July
4 36 Session 36: Conservation paleobiology: late Neogene to Quaternary records as a baseline for conservation of modern ecosystems 18 July
2 37 Session 37: Reconstructing Quaternary ice sheets 19-20 July
1A 38 Session 38: Reconciling deformation through Geomorphology, Active tectonics and Paleoseismology investigations along the India plate 14 July
6B 40 Session 40: The Anthropocene as a tool for characterizing recent planetary change and predicting future environmental challenges 17 July
5B 41 Session 41: Late Quaternary desertification, landscape changes, paleoclimate, and human adaptation 14 July
4 42 Session 42: Ecosystem change and hunter-gatherer behavioral decisions in the terminal Pleistocene Pacific Rim 18 July
2D 43 Session 43: Millennial paleo-landscape reconstructions of coastal areas. From field data to modelling approaches 18 July
4A 44 Session 44: Environment-human interfaces, new frontiers of consilience in the reconstruction of the past 17 July
3 45 Session 45: Plants as Resources for Early Humans – Availability and potential exploitation of useful wild plants through Pleistocene human history 15 July
3A 46 Session 46: Application of biomarkers and CSIA in Pleistocene archaeology 18 July
1A 47 Session 47: The geological record of capable faults 18 July
2 48 Session 48: Quaternary climate, landscape and surface processes in mountain belts 15 July
6A 52 Session 52: Eurasia, one continent one common past: cross-continental stratigraphical correlations 20 July
3 55 Session 55: Understanding the human-animal-environment interface in Quaternary South Asia 17 July
3A 56 Session 56: The Palaeolithic of the Americas: population dynamics, behavioral variability and techno- cultural diversity around the Last Glacial Maximum (MIS 2-3) 14 July
6 58 Session 58: The new challenges for luminescence dating 17 July
5C 59 Session 59: Past, present and future ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions between the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic Ice Sheet 15 July
3B 60 Session 60: Geoarcheology and paleoenvironmental evolution of the coastal areas 17 July
5 62 Session 62: Paleoclimate, paleoweathering, paleoprovenance and machine learning on sediments during Late Quaternary Period 18 July
2A 63 Session 63: Late Quaternary fluvial archives from the time of Homo sapiens: Stratigraphical, sedimentological, palaeontological and georchaeological records 15 July
3A 64 Session 64: Mapping Ancient Africa: Climate, Vegetation & Humans 19 July
5F 66 Session 66: Data modelling and Inference 17 July
4A 67 Session 67: Exceptional archives: Leveraging visible and non-visible lagerstätten with cutting-edge methods to broaden our knowledge of Quaternary ecosystems 17 July
2 68 Session 68: Rivers and fans: sediment and landform archives of long-term Quaternary landscape development and environmental change 15 July
5B 69 Session 69: Quaternary palaeolandscape, palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental change in the North Sea 18 July
3 70 Session 70: Global and local views on the ecological, environmental, and climatic backdrop for hominin dispersal out of Africa in the early Pleistocene 18 July
3 71 Session 71: Quaternary of North Africa: chronostratigraphy and paleoclimatic variations 18 July
1 72 Session 72: The role of Tephrochronology in the study of Earth system dynamics during the Quaternary: Event timings, duration and frequencies 19-20 July
3 73 Session 73: Altered landscapes (Pleistocene and Holocene) of the archaeological sites 15 July
4 74 Session 74: Advances and new challenges in modeling landscape change in the “Anthropocene”: Transdisciplinary approaches using remote sensing and geoarchaeology 14 July
5A 77 Session 77: Quantitative proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions from loess and terrestrial archives 19 July
1A 78 Session 78: Subduction zone palaeoseismology 14 July
3A 79 Session 79: The Global Tropics from the Pliocene to the Anthropocene 19 July
6C 80 Session 80: Magnetostratigraphy and Environmental Magnetism contribution to understand paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes 14 July
4A 82 Session 82: Data science and paleoecology: current intersections and advances 19 July
5B 83 Session 83: Quaternary glacier-climate dynamics in the mid & high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere 15 July
5 84 Session 84: Extending the limits of ice core science beyond new analytical, conceptual and inter- disciplinary frontiers 18 July
5 85 Session 85: Loess and dust deposits: beyond local studies 18 July
3D 87 Session 87: Prehistoric hunter-gatherers’ adaptation during the Last Glacial in Europe 19 July
3 88 Session 88: Human-environmental Interactions Along the Ancient Silk Roads 18 July
5 89 Session 89: Cenozoic sea-level indicators and ice sheet constraints to global sea-level change 17 July
3B 90 Session 90: Ancient DNA from Quaternary and Archaeological Sediments 17 July
3B 92 Session 92: Zooming into the Quaternary Research in South Asia: Understanding the landscape- cultural-climatic evolution 18 July
1E 95 Session 95: Impacts of abrupt climate change on ecosystems, landscapes and societies through INTegration of Ice-core, MArine and TErrestrial records (INTIMATE) 14 July
5A 98 Session 98: Past vegetation dynamics and their role in climate change 17 July
3B 99 Session 99: Lipid biomarkers as molecular archives of human activity from archeological sites 18 July
3 100 Session 100: Multi-methods geochronological approaches on Palaeolithic sites 15 July
5A 101 Session 101: Integration of palaeoecological proxy data for the reconstruction of climate and environment dynamics 15 July
3 102 Session 102: West African Quaternary: understanding past climate oscillations and human responses to anticipate future adaptations 18 July
5 103 Session 103: Terrestrial hydroclimates: towards quantification and climate model comparisons 18 July
3 104 Session 104: Novel molecular tools (biomarkers and DNA) in climatic and environmental archives – challenges, advances, and prospects 19 July
6D 105 Session 105: Quaternary mapping across the world and the IQUAME European experience 15 July
2D 106 Session 106: Evolution of coastal environments under natural and anthropogenic processes: the role of geoscience 19 July
1A 107 Session 107: More than the sum: fault re-ruptures and cumulative damage during seismic sequences 14 July
7 108 Session 108: Equitable and ethical knowledge production in Quaternary Science 14 July
3 109 Session 109: Animals, environments & humans: diverse perspectives from the Quaternary 14-15 July
2A 112 Session 112: Micromorphology as a tool in Quaternary studies to reconstruct changes in natural and anthropogenic sequences 18 July
3A 115 Session 115: Palaeoenvironmental research in SW Asia: Recent advances & future opportunities 14 July
5 118 Session 118: Cave deposits for in deep understanding Quaternary climate and environment 18 July
5 120 Session 120: Volcanic impacts on climate and society 19 July
3 121 Session 121: The anthropology of climate change 14 July
1A 123 Session 123: Advances in tectonic geomorphology, paleoseismology, and multi-disciplinary active fault studies 17 July
3D 125 Session 125: African Quaternary Anthro-environments: Palaeoecology and cultural responses to environmental variance 15 July
5 126 Session 126: Sub-annual to decadal records of environmental change 19 July
3C 127 Session 127: Uncovering the environmental legacies of colonialism 15 July
3 128 Session 128: African Acheuleans in the Early/early Middle Pleistocene: triggers, techno-subsistences, time-lines 15 July
3A 130 Session 130: Advancing paleoscience in underrepresented regions: promoting records of past socio-environmental systems in the Global South and beyond 15 July
5B 133 Session 133: Unravelling Mediterranean sensitivity to past rapid climate variability 20 July
6C 134 Session 134: How Absolute and How Relative: Challenges and Resolutions Associated with Applying Dating Techniques in the Quaternary period 14 July
4A 135 Session 135: Mammals biochronology and palaeoecology of the Euro-Mediterranean Quaternary 15 July
3A 137 Session 137: Geological and climate forcings on human groups / ancient societies, and their feedbacks 17 July
3A 138 Session 138: Wet Environments and Human Communities: Interaction and Resilience in the Holocene and Antiquity 18 July
3A 139 Session 139: Holocene Global Landuse 15 July
5 140 Session 140: Quantifying climate change in Australasia: challenges and opportunities 20 July
4C 141 Session 141: How can the Quaternary sciences contribute to scientific assessment of biodiversity, ecosystems, and nature? 17 July
4C 142 Session 142: Palaeoecology and restoration ecology 19-20 July
4D 143 Session 143: Environmental responses to climatic and human impacts in endangered biodiversity hotspots: past and present for future 17 July
2 145 Session 145: Climate Records from Coastal Systems 17 July
5G 147 Session 147: Sea-Level, Ice-Sheet, and Earth system evolution: understanding the past to constrain the future 19 July
5C 148 Session 148: Climate-glaciers interactions in mid-latitude mountains 18 July
4A 152 Session 152: Archaeological cave sediments: a key to decipher past human behavior and palaeoclimatic change 19 July
1 154 Session 154: Quaternary research in South America: paleoclimate, tectonic, volcanic and surface processes 17 July
2D 155 Session 155: Linking land and sea – multiple approaches to investigating human-environment interactions in the coastal zone 15 July
2 156 Session 156: Multidisciplinary approaches of calcareous tufas and travertines: investigating environments and climates from Prehistory to today 17 July
5B 157 Session 157: Peatlands through time: developmental dynamics and palaeo-environmental reconstruction 19 July
2A 158 Session 158: The geomorphic signature of marine and continental Quaternary deposits 19-20 July
1E 159 Session 159: Human-environment interactions in coastal areas: new ways to learn from the past 17 July
2A 160 Session 160: Geoheritage: role of scientists to keep earth scientific treasures for future generations 17 July
5E 162 Session 162: Astronomical forcing and nonlinear climate feedbacks during the Pleistocene Epoch 18 July
3 163 Session 163: Quaternary palaeoenvironmental dynamics/variability: promoting multiple proxy records from West-Central Africa 18 July
6A 164 Session 164: Understanding MIS 5d-a: sediments, paleoclimate, chronology and long-distance correlation 14 July
1E 166 Session 166: Quaternary palaeohydrology: from the reconstruction of spatial impact of extreme events to long-term changes in catchments and landscapes 19-20 July
2A 169 Session 169: Quaternary Proglacial Lakes: Sediments, Landforms, Impacts 18 July
4A 170 Session 170: Biotic markers and measures of biodiversity of Holocene environmental change 20 July
5 173 Session 173: Palaeoclimate records from the Southern Hemisphere 18 July
4A 174 Session 174: Tracing the impact of palaeoenvironmental changes in ancient DNA 19 July
1A 176 Session 176: Tectonic and Climate-driven Landscape Evolution a never-ending challenge for modern society (Thoughts from LEMON project, INQUA – AIQUA) 18 July
5 177 Session 177: Factors influencing the diversity of loess sedimentary environments and the resulting variability of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental signals 18 July
1 179 Session 179: From coastal geomorphology to earthquake hazard (F-Coast2EHZ): new perspectives and multidisciplinary approaches 15 July
1B 180 Session 180: Sedimentary record of past catastrophic coastal flooding (tsunami, storms) 14 July
1 181 Session 181: Transferring scientific knowledge on Quaternary geological processes and geohazards into disaster risk reduction activities 15 July
1A 182 Session 182: From Cores to Code: Data-Model Integration to Improve Reconstructions and Forecasts of Coastal Change 14 July
2 183 Session 183: Frontiers in drylands research 17 July
1A 184 Session 184: Seismic hazard assessment in populated areas of Latin America: incorporating seismogenic faults 14 July
1D 185 Session 185: Active faults evolution: revelations from different timescales 15 July
3 186 Session 186: The Long Walk to the Anthropocene: Exploration within Quaternary contexts 17 July
7 187 Session 187: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in the Quaternary Sciences 14 July
3 190 Session 190: Paleosol memory of environmental change and man-landscape interactions: from soil profile to geosystem 19 July
5E 193 Session 193: Indo-Asian Monsoon on decadal to centennial-millennial scale and their link to the Indo- Pacific past climate variability 20 July
6D 196 Session 196: Quaternary sedimentary-basins evolution: controlling factors and implications for future scenarios or past reconstructions 14 July
4A 197 Session 197: How can archaeology, palaeoecology, traditional knowledge, and more-than-human approaches contribute towards a more sustainable and culturally informed future? 17 July
1B 204 Session 204: Late Quaternary Faulting and Earthquake Geology in volcanic areas 15 July
3 205 Session 205: The environment background and human adaptations during the transition or shift from archaic humans to modern humans in East Asia 15 July
4A 207 Session 207: Not only z-corals: Quaternary reefs across the latitudinal and depth gradients 15 July
5 208 Session 208: Achievements and new perspectives in Quaternary sciences from scientific drilling 19 July
Metiq Metiq Session Metiq 14 July