Welcome to the XXI INQUA Congress by prof. Francesco L. Chiocci
Italian Quaternary and XXI INQUA Congress
A glimpse to some Italian Quaternary sites
List of sites
- Speleothems containing marine and continental layers in a flooded cave (Argentarola Island, Tuscany)
- Sea level reconstructions during the Mesolithic (Zafferano Cave, Sicily)
- Holocene sea-level evidence in a submerged cave (La Cattedrale, Marettimo Island, Sicily)
- The submerged volcanic island of Ferdinandea, Gramh Bank (Tyrrhenian Sea, Sicily)
- The fault of Monte Vettore, reactivated during the Umbria earthquake (2016)
- Hot springs and travertine deposits: the white whale of Bagni San Filippo (Tuscany)
- Ice mass balance: the Trevignolo and Marmolada glaciers (Veneto and Trentino)
- Morains and erosion: the Tagliamento River (Friuli-Venezia Giulia)
- Mesolithic hunters at 2100 m asl: Mondeval de Sora (Veneto)
- The Gelasian GSSP (Sicily)
- Fossil tidal notches as evidence of sea level changes (Sardinia)
- Bradyseism, sea level and archaeology (Campania)
- Fish tanks as key markers of sea level during Roman times (Latium)
- Vermetid reefs in the Mediterranean Sea (San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily)
- Evidence of Homo Sapiens in the Mesolithic era (Tuono cave, Marettimo island, Sicily)
- Lava eruptions (Etna volcano, Catania, Sicily)
- Marine geology investigations on the continental shelf around the Italian coasts
- Landslide on the Vajont Dam (Friuli Venezia Giulia)